Easily buy and sell a variety of cryptocurrencies with instant bank transfer to and from named accounts. Direct card payment methods are also supported
There is no need to deal with the complications of bank transfers to third party exchange accounts, with Instaxchange we generate you a unique named bank account which facilitates crypto transfers to and from with ease.
Instaxchange.com is a licensed provider of financial services, with guaranteed legal compliance and a secure infrastructure for fast fiat-to-crypto, crypto-to-fiat and crypto-to-crypto online exchange operations at reasonable.
If you are looking to integrate with your business, or looking to work with us a partner to onboard businesses, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected], or via the live chat to answer any questions.
The stated fee structure is the price you pay, we do not hide any fees within the spread of crypto or processing fees.
Unlike other options, Instaxchange.com allows you to directly purchase cryptocurrency with a SEPA or GBP Faster Payments bank transfer.
Instaxchange is licensed and regulated under the laws of Lithuania, allowing you to rest assured that regulations are always being followed.
For any issues, simply contact our live chat for 24/7 customer support.